Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bitches and Lesbians

Reading Regan's post over at WOE brought to mind something I had forgotten over the years - the attitude of certain men to rejection.

I remember back when my girlfriends and I would go out to nightclub type places, there were certain men that if you turned them down for a dance or in someway let them know that you just weren't interested - you were automatically a bitch and/or a lesbian.

It doesn't only happen in places like nightclubs either.  I remember back several years ago I was in the video section of Albertsons looking for a movie to rent.  This guy asks me a question, something along the lines of wanting to know if I had seen a movie he was thinking about renting.  I answer him and he asks me a few other things (related to movies) which I answer.  I am not being overly friendly, just answering his questions.  Then he suddenly asks me if I want to go home with him and watch movies.  WTF?  I tell him no, that I have been in a relationship for many years and we live together.  He says, "but your not married."  And yes, that is why on facebook and other places I often check the marriage box because to some men it only counts if you have a paper.  Anyhow, so I make myself more clear in that going to his house is NOT going to happen.  At that point this guys flips out on me, calls me a bitch, lesbian and so on, throws down his movie and stomps out of the store.  I was terrified he would be in the parking lot and try to abduct me or something and I had one of the big guys that work there escort me to my car.

And men like Henry Makow continue to teach men that this attitude is OK.  If a woman doesn't want you then there is obviously something wrong with her and in most cases it is because she is a lesbian/jew/commie.  Well, and with men like that it does make being a lesbian seem much more attractive. :-)


Regan Lee said...

Lesley, I'm sure you and I and so many women-- probably every woman -- has had these kinds of interactions several million hundred billion times over. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me, all of it, including, before Jim and I got married, (even though we'd been living together for many years prior) "but you're not married" ... for some men, bitch=lesbian=feminist, all equally evil, and, interchangable.

LesleyinNM said...

Probably every woman has experienced something like that and yet some men still continue to think if you speak to them that you are interested in them - for more than talking.

Oh, and the whole only being "real" if married with a legal document irritates the crap out of me. I know of so many people who were legally married and not even near so committed as we are.

The thing I didn't mention - I believe this is the same man that I nearly had to pepper spray a few years later as he tried to abduct me in a lonely parking lot. Apparently, I was "his type."

He was a predator and I think most of Makow's followers are probably that.

Deirdre Bunny said...

That's fucked up Lesley -- and terribly scary!

I'd give you a hug, but then any men reading this would assume you're a lesbian.

On a somewhat different note:

Do you know that some guys actually (seriously) use the phrase, "You just haven't had the right cock inside you."

For years I thought this could not possibly be a serious argument, but then someone said it to me last year -- and while he said it sort of tongue-in-cheek, I knew he meant it. As if his dick could magically infect me with 'straightness.'

LesleyinNM said...

Yes, I have heard that before in relation to lesbians. Men like to think that unattractive women are lesbians because they can't find a man or are too butch. They like to think pretty "lipstick lesbians," as they are known in these parts, just haven't been with the right man, normally meaning them. Sometimes I have even heard things like "she must have been abused by her father or some other man." Men and their egos!